I’m Giving Her All She’s Got Captain

OK, so I’m not a Star Trek fan.  In fact, until the new movie came out, I really had no interest in it all.  If there are any true fans out there, I know they just cringed.  Sorry.  But, for me the new movie gave meaning to all those quotes and one liners I’ve heard all my life, but never knew what they meant.  One of those lines was….

I’m giving her all she’s got captain. 

And captain James T. Kirk replies with, “All she’s got isn’t good enough.”

It’s a great scene where the ship is maxed to full potential but needs a little bit more.  That reminds me of….. me.  I can’t tell you how many times in my ministry, in my personal life, in my family life, etc I feel like “I’m giving her all she’s got.”  The answer always seems to be, “give a little more.”  But what happens when you can’t give any more?  What happens when you’re empty? Ever feel that way?

If we think about it, we all know the answer.  In fact, many of us have preached the answer to others.  But sometimes its hard to make it a priority in our own life.  The answer though is face time with God