God Doesn’t Make Sense


This morning’s post was meant to be “Does Your Mac Make You a Better Youth Pastor.” But you’ll have to wait til Thursday for that post.  I just did my Quiet Time (see my previous post for explanation) and was blown away with something from a very familiar passage.  The portion of scripture this morning was Hebrews 11:7-12 part of “The Faith Chapter.”

Like you, I’ve read this passage no less than 8 million times (ok, that’s a slight exaggeration).  However something struck me in a new way today.  GOD DOESN’T MAKE SENSE.  No, he doesn’t. Think about it.  Did it make sense for Noah to build a boat? Did it make sense that it was going to rain when it never had? Did it make sense Abraham would be the father of many nations when he didn’t have any kids? Did it make sense Sarah would have a baby when she should have been a grandma?  Nope, none of it makes sense.

But that’s what is so stinking cool.  God was doing something in those people’s lives that didn’t make any sense at all to them at the time.  But they decided to OBEY GOD ANYWAY.  And guess what? In the end, it all made a whole lot of sense. 

OK fast forward to my life.  I have an extremely low tolerance for things that don’t make sense.  If what you’re doing doesn’t make any sense, I have no qualms with telling you…. and probably providing at least three suggestions on how you should change what you’re doing 🙂  In my personal life, if something is happening that doesn’t make sense, it’s easy to jump to, ‘Why are you doing this God? Why are you doing it NOW? This doesn’t make any sense.”

But he probably smiles and thinks, “Of course it doesn’t.  It never has and it may never will….. to you.” That’s the whole point of faith…. obeying God even when it doesn’t make sense. 

Does it make any sense that you would pour countless hours of your life into a student who doesn’t seem to care? No? Keep believing God.  Does it make any sense that you would do what you do for very little thanks and perhaps too much criticism? No? Keep obeying God. Does it make any sense that you would make $30k a year in ministry when you know you could make triple that somewhere else? No? Keep trusting God.

Bottom Line: Faith is about trusting God when it doesn’t make any sense.  You’ll ALWAYS be glad you did.